Opinions: TheCorrespondent.ca; ever get the feeling that it's the NEWS MEDIA that's causing the problems? I know I do!
We'll try to bring you more truth! Current propagandists, on all their stories, should use the tag line; 'brought to you by, CRIPPLING TAXATION'!

CoP, Regional Carpetbaggers, Fair Share Tax and Industrial Lands

Instead of whining about it with the counties give them an ultimatum. Either give up the land voluntarily or we, the City of Peterborough (CoP), will impose an employment tax. Make the employment tax 2% of hourly wage or salary and bonuses. That makes it fair, the more you earn the more you pay. Make living in Peterborough an advantage, not a detriment.
Examples: Earn $12 per hour = $0.24 or $9.60 per 40 hour week. or salary of $2,000 per week = $40.00 per week.

It's simple, it will lock their constituents out of jobs. That should be the case at any rate. Peterborough tax payers foot the bill for the counties to use. Yes, we have shared services but streets, policing, fire protection and all things unique to only the Peterborough City Tax Payer would be covered by an employment tax.

Make it the same as Union dues, you want to enjoy the benefits of Peterborough you need to share the cost of the advantage. Go one step further if you work for any CoP department and live out of town, the employment tax doubles.

Charge the tax to all and deduct it from the monthly tax bill of those living in the City. Not on rental units or other commercial properties. Easy accounting and verification that way. Renters have the tax returned to them, not the property owners.

Negotiate from a position of strength instead of the usual weakness. Offer three years of lost taxes to the counties for properties that annex to Peterborough and if not acceptable don't bluff, implement. Alas, I forget we're dealing with Liberals here, they only understand how to spend your money. They'll just raise your property taxes, no big deal, right?

Canadian Newspaper Industry, Government Legislation and YOUR Money.

Ottawa to Social Media Companies: "We want you to link to their stories so people will come to their papers and they can subscribe them."
Ottawa to Social Media Companies: "We want you to link to their stories and you, Social Media Companies, pay them for everyone who views the link."
Ottawa to Social Media Companies: "Most Newspapers can't pay for Clicks as it costs too much to put out stories, opinions and interpreted narratives."

Population: 38,250,000, Average Household Size 2.51 people, News Subsidies more than 2 Billion dollars per year, includes CBC.
Cost to each Canadian Household $131.24 annually. Still these organizations want more. To bring you WHAT?. It probably costs more then that, we're just trying to be 'Conservative'.

To you news fakers we say: the solution is simple. No, faking, changing the narrative or making rude, loud noise that will not solve your problem.
1. Use a password to enter your site. 2. Block Crawling. 3. Block Indexing. 4. Put up a paywall. 5. Get off of the Internet. Any of those ensures visitors are approved by you. Factual Canadian news can then get out to the world.
Face the fact, maybe you're not savvy enough to be on the Interner! FREE people are not looking for fake news and changed narratives. Let the Deed Show!

So you know what? Enjoy the government you deserve! Stopping all subsidies should stop biased reporting, resulting in fair and balanced news that Citizens will be willing to pay for out of their own pocket. If social media decides to adhere to the 'communist legislation' then Canadian Citizens will pay even more, to offshore companies. One way or another, they'll pass the costs on to you. Not through subsidies to bring you fake news and narratives but through 'ransomed' costs to take away your trash.

News Sources we Trust, Unsubsidized Independent Media.

Try: Rebel News or Spencer Fernando or The Batflip and more

National Post - Canada
Global News - Canada

FOX News - US
The Economist - US
Guardian - UK

Jerusalem Post - Israel
Emirate 24/7 - UAE

The Japan News - Japan
Der Spiegal - Germany
Le Parisien - France, translated

The Times of India - India
ITAR-TASS - Russia